We are pleased to announce the new start of “AUNDE Boshoku Co., Ltd.“, a subsidiary of AUNDE Achter & Ebels GmbH (hereafter referred to as AUNDE) from November 1st, 2024.
As previously disclosed on March 28, TB Kawashima Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “TB Kawashima”) has decided to accept capital investment from AUNDE, and the competition laws and other necessary procedures have been completed.
While the basic line of our business remains unchanged, we believe that we will evolve into a truly global supplier and enhance our competitiveness by becoming a member of the AUNDE Group, one of the global leading fabric suppliers with strong connections with European and American automakers. Under this new structure, we are committed to providing customers with high-quality, innovative products with an even greater emphasis on customer satisfaction.
We sincerely appreciate your continued guidance and support.
【New Organizational Structure】
Company Name
AUNDE Boshoku Co., Ltd. (Japanese Name:アウンデ紡織株式会社)
Shareholding Ratio
Toyota Boshoku Corporation 20%
Representative Directors
President and Representative Director Hirokazu Kameno (former TB Kawashima: full time)
Representative DirectorChristian Prause(AUNDE: non full time)
923 Toendo, Aisho-cho, Echi-gun, Shiga 529-1325
AUNDE Boshoku Co., Ltd. Corporate Planning & Administration Department
TEL (+81)-749-42-7428
【Notices on Administrative Procedures】
1.E-mail Addresses etc.
Because of the time required for IT infrastructure changes associated
with the transition from Toyota Boshoku Group to AUNDE Group,
our email addresses and company website address will remain the same (see below) for the time being.
We will inform you once the new addresses are ready to be switched over.
E-mail address xxx@tb-kawashima.com
Company website address https://www.tb-kawashima.co.jp
2.Subsidiary Name Changes
The former TB Kawashima Group subsidiaries will also proceed with the necessary procedures for
name changes starting today. Each subsidiary will separately notify their respective business partners.

Inauguration Ceremony on November 1
AUNDE Boshoku Co., Ltd.
former:TB Kawashima Co., Ltd.
President and Representative Director
Hirokazu Kameno
923 Toendo, Aisho-cho, Echi-gun, Shiga 529-1325
Tel.: +81-749-42-7428
Fax: +81-749-42-6071
November 1, 2024